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Perfect for entertaining and personal enjoyment. No longer will you need to decide which rooms will have a great view and which rooms will have a minimal or no view at all - the RotatingHome allows you to see your entire view from all the major rooms in your home! If you prefer to enjoy your view in the open air, a viewing deck can surround the entire circumference, or just part, of your home. A RotatingHome may be just right for you.

You choose the speed of rotation. We recommend a variable speed from one revolution in 30 minutes to one revolution in 24 hours. A RotatingHome is perfect for an upscale beach house or large mountain cabin or even in areas prone to storm surges! Steep mountain terrain is not a problem as the RotatingHome can be built up on a central steel column. With only one fully RotatingHome that meets 21st century building codes currently in existence, its uniqueness and technology are unprecedented!